
Taylor Morgan, A+D Market Manager, is Leading the Way to a Healthier Future

We are excited to announce that our A+D Market Manager, Taylor Morgan, has obtained her Fitwel Ambassador certification. With this certification, Taylor can help our industry partners and clients create healthier spaces that promote wellness and productivity.

As a Fitwel Ambassador, Taylor is equipped to provide clients with the guidance and support necessary to promote health and well-being. The education behind this designation allows her to discuss and advocate for strategies, products, and solutions affecting community health and well-being, morbidity and absenteeism, social equity, healthy foods, occupant safety, and promotion of movement and physical activity. These factors contribute to happier, healthier, and more productive members of a workplace or community as a whole. Through Taylor’s knowledge and advocacy, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to employees, community members, health and wellness through healthier practices and by obtaining a Fitwel certification for their building project.

Fitwel is the world’s leading certification system committed to building health for all®. Generated by expert analysis of 5,600+ academic research studies, Fitwel is implementing a vision for a healthier future where all buildings and communities are enhanced to strengthen health and well-being.

Fitwel Ambassador certification shows Henricksen’s commitment to providing amenities that promote healthier lifestyles in the workplace. A Fitwel Ambassador herself, Vice President and General Manager of Henricken’s Minneapolis Office, Deb Barnes, has been diligently working with Taylor Morgan on their office space for Fitwel certification.

“This is only the beginning, and we look forward to assisting more organizations in achieving success in their Fitwel certification,” says Morgan.

Henricksen Minneapolis office recently relocated to the second floor of The TractorWorks Building. The 11,000-square-foot office space is located in the trendy North Loop neighborhood of downtown Minneapolis. Henricksen plans to obtain a Fitwel certification for their office space at the end of the month.

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